The Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness uses a listserv to communicate about events, request resources, and distribute information of interest. All listserv members can send emails to the full group. The Listserv currently has about 650 members. Listserv messages should always avoid indentifying information. We archive all messages - they are available for anyone to view at http://list.pchomeless.org/fullcoalition. We also have a Meeting Information Listserv, which only sends out information about coming meetings and past meeting minutes.
This listserv is open to all – there is no limitation on who can join or send to the listserv. Any content that is respectful and about preventing or addressing homelessness is allowed. The 700+ users include – government staff, service providers, activists, volunteers, elected officials, friends and family of people experiencing homelessness, people themselves experiencing homelessness, for-profit businesses and everyone in-between. Imagine you are speaking in front of all of them when you compose your emails.
Send to the Whole Group
It is hard to imagine, but if you would like to be removed from all Coalition listservs, just fill out this form: