What do you do when you encounte someone with medical needs on the street? General issues that came up. “It is very frustrating that even for someone with many years of experience in advocacy around homelessness, medical, mental health—that people with medical conditions are not getting needed care. We may know the resources to refer people to, but there may not be anything there.” “We shared a couple stories of people who experienced medical situations, and had overall sense of frustration at lack of coordination among groups and people being turned down at ER and at rehab centers. One person had a car accident, was living in car, and was released from hospital with no rehab and turned down for future visits at ER. In addition, there was poor treatment for one person prior to a stroke and lack of knowledge of medical professionals re a rare lifetime medical condition.” Identified Gaps in Care Recommended practices and available resourcesPresentation
Group Discussion Summary - Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness - May 6, 2022
Watch and listen to the recording of the presentation on Youtube . Read the chat that happened during the meeting, or read the full transcript. Or listen to the podcast version of the audio recording:Presentation